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Articles by "internal medicine"

Men's Center Men's Health Stats You Need to Know It's Men's Health Month, and we're exploring a few staggering men's health statistics. Primary Care Pancreatic Cancer: Vague Symptoms Hide a Deadly Disease It's one of the most dangerous types of cancer. Yet there's no easily recognizable warning signs or routine screening available to catch it early. Primary Care Even the Young and Healthy Need to See a Doctor on the Regular You might feel invincible, but a regular check-up can catch health problems you didn't know were there — or know were coming. Primary Care How to Spot a Stroke: 5 Sure Signs and 4 Life-Saving Letters Stroke is a leading cause of death and disability in the U.S. Simply knowing what to watch for and what to do can save a life. Internal Medicine How Much Exercise Do I Actually Need? Americans are more sedentary than they should be. Getting the recommended amount of physical activity each week has big health benefits. Internal Medicine What's the Best Diet for Weight Loss? Diet trends come and go. New research shows the best diet plan is the one that works for you. Internal Medicine The Most Popular Low-Carb Diets, Compared Low-carb diets are all the rage. But each new plan emphasizes different foods. Take a closer look at the menu to see if it's a fit for you. Cardiology Don't Have a Stroke: How to Prevent this Disabling Event from Happening to You. Most people have seen the damaging effects of stroke — droopy facial muscles, muscular spasms, difficulty walking, speech and language problems, and challenges eating and swallowing. Internal Medicine Gluten-Free Diets: Facts of the Fad Despite food marketers' attempts to convince you otherwise, a gluten-free diet is only a healthier option for three groups of people. Family Medicine The Best Thing You Can Do for Someone with Alcohol Poisoning When drinking in moderation becomes drinking in excess, the brain and body are put in danger. And there's only one safe way to help someone who has overdosed on alcohol. Family Medicine The Flu is Here! Now What? Even though influenza is actively spreading through the Des Moines metro, there's still time to take preventive measures. Here's what you need to know to avoid the flu and what to do if you get it. Internal Medicine Vaccines Give You a Shot in the Fight Against Pneumonia Getting the recommended immunizations for pneumonia helps prevent the illness from reaching its most serious stages.
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